Issue Position: Leadership

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014


The Republican party has become nearly irrelevant in the General Assembly, unable to muster even a competitive opposition to our machine-controlled State Legislature. I'm headed to Springfield to change that. We need stronger leadership within the Republican caucus that focuses on the basic principles of smaller, more responsive government, lower taxes, and opportunity for all Illinoisans. Leaders bring together divided perspectives to make important positive changes; they don't perpetuate division and class warfare. It is neither popular nor easy to challenge politicians to abandon their loyalties to special interest groups, personal advancement, and corruption, but doing so is precisely the leadership our state thirsts for and requires. People who are not content with mediocrity and who steer against the grain unafraid to make decisions in the best interest of the people, is what we know real leadership entails. If it was simple, our state wouldn't be in such distress. I will bring the same spirit and take-charge attitude to Springfield that my friends and neighbors in Lombard have seen me display as their former Acting Mayor and current Village Trustee. It's time to bring in leaders who are looking forward at our state's next 10 years, not politicians repeating the mistakes and corruption of the last 10 years.
